Sunday, March 13, 2016

Reading Response 3/13

What Happens When You Stretch

Summary/Relate and Review
The stretching of muscles has the effect like tapping a stack of papers on a desk, aligning all of them back into a workable fashion. The muscles fibers that are straightened are intra and extrafusal muscle fibers. The stretching/elongating of the muscles starts at the middle, then diffuses towards the end, which is why holding the stretch or repeating it is necessary to really get a good stretch. This actually increases your power of contraction because that is usually measured by comparing the length before and after.

"Nuclear bag fibers...-all the way to- gradually extend under prolonged tension"
These few sentences are highly descriptive and resemble an animation playing out.
"lengthening reaction which inhibits the muscles from contracting and causes them to relax"
The golgi tendon organ is responsible for the management of muscles, tendons, and ligaments from damage by tension strain.
"as you stretch, the collagen fibers in the connective tissue align themselves along the same line of force as the tension"
This is also another scene where I can imagine an animation for, as the pulling apart/ expansion of the sarcomeres increasing the length of the muscle.

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