This unit was mainly focused on, what I feel to be, the memorization and understanding of the circulatory system. The circulatory system, also sometimes called the cardiovascular system, is the system that is an umbrella category for the main organs regulating blood flow, and the blood's functions. The first organ that comes to mind is probably the heart, because it is the main, shall we say, checkpoint of the blood stream, and also functions as a pump, which creates the flow of blood throughout the body. As its myocardium layer contracts, it creates pressure (using valves) which then immediately dissipates with the movement of blood through its channels, such as arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and then veins back to the heart.
In these channels, atherosclerosis can occur. Atherosclerosis is the buildup of plaque on the walls of these channels, caused by excessive amounts of LDL (low-density lipoproteins). This buildup can cause sections to be blocked off, and if the blockaded section is important enough, like the coronary artery to the heart, essential organs may be damaged and eventually die, killing the organism in the process. That is the true root of heart diseases and even strokes.
Heart Chalk Walk Video
To maintain and manage my personal cardiovascular health, I will workout with more cardiovascular exercises, and eat less saturated / trans fats, to keep the LDL in my bloodstream low. What I wanted to delve deeper into this unit was how these fatty deposits actually made their way into the bloodstream, as we have only covered the lungs and how it injects oxygen into the red blood cells.
This unit was filled semi-new terms, and thus I spent more time than usual studying notes and the like. Even after this though, the sections I knew were the most complex, and least discussed, were on the test itself (like the type of test used to diagnose specific cases). I should begin studying earlier and review notes and what activities were done in class every other day, at least.
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