Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Unit 1 Reflection

        Unit 1 was about the underlying structure of the anatomy physiology course, with terms classifying sections of the body with also some focus on general tissues and molecular structure.
The main, overarching themes of this unit were the optimization of structure for function; how our bodies' cells specialized into different tissues and, thus, organ systems to maintain homeostasis; and the four macromolecules inside us and other living things.

I was able to understand and review terms from some other science classes (Biology, Chemistry) and also learn more about how, where, and why my body has specific tissues, for example, the lining of my stomach, and also identify and describe them.

I still have a few questions about the structure of cartilage as it was only briefly talked about in the notes and I was not able to find any samples of it during the tissue lab. Also, I am interested in compact bone tissue, as it has a unique structure that is not explained on the poster, but I expect to get to it in a later chapter/unit.

During the next unit I hope to be able to draw more connections to the lab while working in the classroom, as I had to take it home and review terms to fully understand the things I was looking at through the microscope.

During this unit, I actually was inspired to research- on my own- the specifics of taste, not just the taste buds on the tongue (during the sweetness lab of course) and how their placement and number were correlated to one's genes. The edges of the tongue are actually the most taste receptive, with the little spots on its surface being the taste receptor sites.

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