Monday, May 2, 2016

Brain Dissection 4/28

Today in class, we dissected a sheep brain, looking at is outer structure and two inner cuts, medially and coronally. We were able to classify the brain into different parts, and break each of those down into even smaller units with specialized functions. With our previous knowledge, we were able to find and label each part of the brain, including its specialized function in each description.

Outer view (with meninges removed to the side)
Black- posterior, White- anterior
Yellow- cerebrum- integrates information from sensory neurons + sends out signals to motor neurons
Green- cerebellum- muscle coordination and memory
Red- brain stem- main pathway for signals sent to and from brain

Medial view
Myelin- (better known as myelin sheathes) a lipid and protein molecule that wraps around sections of neurons to increase their signal movement speed

Yellow- thalamus- receives sensory information and processes it
Green- optic nerve- relays sensory information from the eyes (x-shaped structure)
Red- medulla oblongata- controls many involuntary neurons
Blank- pons- process and transfer sensory information
Blue- midbrain- controls motor neurons, processes and moves information
White- corpus callosum- bridge between the left and right hemispheres of brain
Black- hypothalamus- secretes a wide variety of hormones, signaled by brain

Coronal view
 White- (mylinated) white matter, Black- (low mylination) grey matter

Mix and Match of Terribad Sketches

Outer view

Medial view

Coronal view

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sheep Eye Dissection 4/28

Choroid exposed

L to R: iris and pupil exposed, extracted cornea, lens (with cilliary body muscles to adjust thickness and focus light),  retina extracted back of eye

Monday, April 18, 2016

Clay Brain In-Class Model Creation 4/14

Cross Section on Sagittal Plane                                 Left* (oops) cerebral hemisphere [lateral view]

We referenced a textbook, as well as a couple online sources, to model, identify, and label significant structures in the brain by using play-doh. The sections are color-coded to make identifying each a little easier, but since we still had to repeat a few colors- because of our shallow color pool- our labeling relied more on using lines or arrows to direct sight to the structure.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Woman with a Hole in her Brain

Thomson, Helen. "Woman of 24 Found to Have No Cerebellum in Her Brain." New Scientist 14
         Sept. 2014: n. pag. New Scientist. RELX Group, 10 Sept. 2014. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.

A woman, at the not-so-young age of 24, had gone to the "Chinese PLA General Hospital of Jinan Military Area Command in Shandong Province" feeling dizzy and nauseated. No small wonder, as the doctors found out, because she was missing a very, er, central portion of her brain: a cerebellum. The cerebellum, though consisting of about a mere 10% of the brain's total volume, consists of around half of the brain's total neurons. Since it controls the motor functions and stores some muscle memory, there were a few- now explained- complications during her childhood, like trouble speaking or walking.

What if you were missing... an occipital lobe?
Since the occipital lobe processes information from the eyes, without one, there would be no way to fully sort, process, and utilize the immense visual information constantly streaming from the eyes, thus, blindness or heavily impaired vision would not be outside the realm of possibility.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Unit 7 Reflection

While the last unit dealt mostly with the foundation of our body structure, the skeletal system, this unit focuses on the structure, organization, and functions of its counterpart, the muscular system. I will begin reviewing from the smallest unit of muscles, the two protein filaments that make all of our movements possible: actin and myosin.
The picture above shows the mechanism for muscle contraction at a molecular level, with the myosin heads pictured in a variety of configurations and steps in the aptly named "power stroke" process, where the fibers slide parallel to each other in opposite directions. This contracts the unit of muscle, called a sarcomere, and long chains of these sarcomeres create a myofibril. While each sarcomere can only shorten a small amount, the myofibrils combine the effectiveness additively, allowing for the powerful, macroscale movements humans and other animals are capable of (see picture below). Now, the myofibrils are lined up side by side to create a highly effective muscle that is connected, at the ends, to tendons and thus to bones.
The process of contraction (called sliding filament theory) between the actin and myosin is best described with the video below.

In the human body there are a large number of muscles. They also, however, have slight relation to animals with similar body compositions, like chickens. In this lab, I go through a dissection of a chicken (because human cadavers are in short supply) and list and describe many of the major muscles.

        I have, recently, begun weight training- with the weight god Leon Ng- and have had extended periods of muscle soreness. I would like to know the causes of this, and whether it is true that people build muscle by causing little tears in the fibers to be rebuilt stronger.

         This unit was relatively challenging for me, as a student, because of the memorization heavy aspect of the muscles and naming of things like the tropomyosin protien or acetylcholine molecules. Thankfully, however, I was able to test the effectiveness of various studying techniques, for example, short and sweet reviewing every day, or diagram memorization. Now, I don't know how effective it is until I take the test itself, and thus I'm off.

P. E. Satire

While caffeine can increase your alertness so that, for example, you can drive late at night, it has a variety of side effects. Some are short-term and come with the rush of energy you get during the first few hours afterwards, like nervousness or anxiety; however, many of these effects are also long term in effect, such as caffeine resistance or reduced fertility (for females). This is one of the few performance enhancing substances that is actually permitted (in competitions) most likely due to its lesser effects on performance and decreased severity of side effects.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Chicken Dissection Lab Analysis 3/15 (the real pi day)

We took a cleaned, sanitized, chicken cadaver and began to pick it apart using a variety of dissection instruments while labeling any muscles we came across. For example, the contraction of the pectoralis major (pictured below)
pulls on the humerus of the chicken (as it is connected with a tendon) to lift the wing up. This is nearly identical to the human use of the same muscle, which moves the (much larger scale) humerus of a human. When looking at the tendons on both ends of the muscle, the origin always seemed to have more tendons stretching out from the muscle to anchor itself to the bone. Chicken muscles, and more specifically, the artificially selected variety that we humans have bred, seem extremely unbalanced. Looking at the pectoralis major and minor, they are easily five or six times the size and mass of any other muscle, while in humans, many of our muscles are similar in size to at least a few others. Also, the fact that the pectoralis major and minor are antagonists of each other and are located close enough to touch each other is confusing, as antagonist muscles in the human body are usually separated by a bone so that one can contract while the other relaxes. Lastly, while the arm limbs of a chicken are wings, the upper limbs of a human are arms. Even with this distinct difference, the muscle groups are essentially the same, with a lookalike elbow and wrist joint.

Sternum (bone)
Pectoralis major - pulls humerus up
Pectoralis minor - antagonist of P. major (pulls down)
Trapezius - pulls shoulder back
Latissimus dorsi - group of muscles, extends and pulls arm
Deltoid - raise upper arm (aids P. major)
Biceps Brachii - flexes arm
Triceps humeralis - antagonist to biceps brachii, extends arm
Flexor carpi ulnaris - flexes hand/wing (at wrist)
Brachioradialis - hyperextends wrist (bend backwards)
Sartorius - flexes thigh to cross legs
Iliotibialis in birds or Tensor fasciae latae, Gluteus maximus and Iliotibial tract for humans - antagonist to sartorius, extends thigh and also flexes leg (knee)
Biceps femoris - flexes leg (high power)
Semimembranosus - extends thigh
Semitendinosus - extends thigh
Quadriceps femoris in birds or Vastus lateralis, intermedius and medialis; and Rectus femoris for humans - flexes thigh and extends leg
Gastrocnemius - extends foot and flexes lower portion of leg
Peroneus longus - extends foot
Tibalis anterior - flexes foot